Alheimer’s Disease Association (Singapore)

Pursuant to the enactment of the Personal Data Protection Act of 2012, Alzheimer’s Disease Association has taken progressive steps to tighten governance of personal data acquired in the course of serving the community. We take personal data privacy very seriously, and have sought the legal counsel of relevant government and private agencies to review and enhance compliance.

As a non-profit, our limited resources will not allow us to achieve total compliance immediately. In the meantime, we seek the public’s cooperation and understanding in advising us of any possible oversight or improvement that can be addressed to safeguard personal data. Please write to us at and address your concerns to the ADA Data Protection Committee

Our Objectives

To increase the quality and quantity of care for the elderly with dementia

To increase the number of services for the elderly with dementia and to be a model for other organisations to follow and learn from

To increase families’ abilities to cope with and continue caring for their elderly with dementia

To manage and support Centres for the elderly with dementia

To increase opportunities for research, the teaching and training of psychogeriatrics for personnel caring for the elderly with dementia.
