Benetech ( California)

Benetech’s Program Areas

Technology has the potential to improve the lives of people all around the world. And yet, too often this beneficial technology isn’t pursued because it won’t generate big profits.

As a nonprofit, Benetech bridges that gap by developing technology focused on helping people, not generating big profits. Here is how our four main program areas are developing and using technology to help people around the world:

Human Rights: The software, services and training our Human Rights Program provides keeps human rights defenders safe and have become critically important in larger efforts to pursue reform, seek justice and begin the process of reconciliation.

Global Literacy: Our Global Literacy Program serves populations with unmet needs, such as people with disabilities, through technology-based literacy solutions, while also catalyzing systemic change so those tools are no longer needed tomorrow.

Environment: The software developed in our Environment Program gives ecologists and conservationists the tools they need to plan and manage their efforts to protect natural resources around the globe.

Benetech Labs: We established Benetech Labs as a way to explore and test the feasibility of the many ideas we encounter in our work—and to identify which of these potential solutions could successfully meet a pressing social need.

With your help, we can continue to approach the development of technology from a place of how many people it can help, not how much profit it will make—and that benefits all of humanity!
