Exemplary Social Enterprises

Trashy Bags (Ghana)

Trashy Bags is a social enterprise based in Accra, Ghana that makes recycled eco-friendly bags and gifts from plastic trash. We employ over forty local people to collect, clean and stitch plastic trash in the form of sachets that have been previously used to contain drinking water and other drinks, into fashionable and useful bags
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Envirofit was created to unite top-tier clean energy research with consumer driven product design to bring sustainable and scalable market-based solutions to emerging markets. Envirofit was formed in 2003 as a spinoff company out of Colorado State University’s Engines and Energy Conversion Laboratory to develop well-engineered technology solutions to solve global energy and health challenges.
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We are a social enterprise established right after the greatest storm that ever hit the planet, Typhoon Haiyan, locally known as Typhoon Yolanda. Through crowdfunding we were able to set up a bag-making and upcycling facility in the heart of downtown Tacloban – the hardest hit area. Now, we endeavor to equip and empower communities
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