News About Social Enterprises

When 24-year-old Anand Shah was flying out of India back to America, another Indian sitting next to him on the flight was complaining. “The taxi drivers, they fleece you. The food, the water… oh, I was sick for four days out of ten.” Born in the USA and trained at Harvard as a biologist, Shah
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“Once poverty is gone, we’ll need to build museums to display its horrors to future generations.” This is the vision of Professor Muhammad Yunus. It is also the vision of the UN member states that created the Sustainable Development Goals. Ellie Ward explores the role of social enterprise in this historic international pact. As of January
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Education social enterprise training teaching assistants to help struggling learners will double its impact to support 100,000 pupils a year with expert business help. Thousands more primary school-age children who struggle with basic literacy and numeracy skills are set to get the help they need to catch up with their classmates.  The support comes from
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Born and raised in Mexico City I was very enthusiastic when I heard that my high school alma mater, Tecnológico de Monterrey (TEC), had a new major in social entrepreneurship, or as they call it “emprendimiento cultural y social”. During my last visit home, I was eager to meet with the program director to better understand the
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