ChangeFusion (Thailand)

ChangeFusion support for social enterprises to grow. This led to the creation of innovative and sustainable change. We support and invest in social enterprise. We promote ecological development of social enterprise in the United States and in Asia. We support social enterprise that operates in a wide range of issues such as technology, sustainable agriculture, sustainable tourism / travel, community, health, renewable energy, community, trade fair (fair trade), etc..

Change Fusion Institute is a non-profit organization the Foundation for Thailand Rural Reconstruction nationals. We are dedicated to seeing the results of social change.

Our support model

MENTORING our consulting and strategic planning in business. Targeting and measurement of social marketing, brand design, development teams and partnerships, etc.

INVESTING our joint support for an orderly growth of the social enterprise. We also raise funds from investors to society.

NETWORKING we connect social entrepreneurs to individuals, organizations or agencies that are critical to growth. And links to markets
