Chavez for charity (New Jersey)

When we launched Chavez for Charity in early 2013, our goal was to create a line of fashion accessories that people would love to wear and at the same time allow us to contribute, in a significant way, to charitable causes we care about.

What we didn’t foresee is the impact this collection would have on others or how it would become a catalyst for meaningful, productive and sometimes very personal conversations.

Conversations about how one billion people in 207 countries rose and danced to demand an end to violence against women and girls.

Conversations about how one girl spent her teenage years being bullied and shunned because of her sexual orientation and how she is now a happy and proud gay woman.

Conversations about how a young couple reached out to their community to ask for help raising money for their 6-year old daughter who was suffering with cancer and how that community, without hesitation, came out en masse to show their support.

What we’ve come to realize is that every color tells a story and that through our collection, we are able to facilitate conversations that unite, inspire, and motivate people to take action.

For every item sold, we donate a percentage of our profits to 10 amazing and very worthy causes. We are proud and honored that they have allowed us to contribute to their efforts.
