Embrace (U.S.)

The Embrace Warmer started as a class project at Stanford University when a group of graduate students were challenged to design an intervention for neonatal hypothermia that cost a fraction of the price of a state-of-the-art incubator.

After visiting health facilities in Nepal, interviewing doctors, nurses and mothers, and testing dozens of designs, they piloted their infant warmer in rural India. After extensive clinical testing, the Embrace Infant Warmer was born.

Embrace was founded in 2008 as a nonprofit organization. In 2012, a separate for-profit social enterprise—Embrace Innovations—was launched to manufacture the warmer, while the nonprofit continued to focus on improving newborn health care in less developed countries. In 2015, Embrace joined Thrive Networks, an international NGO working to improve the health and well-being of underserved communities in Asia and Africa through evidence-based programs and technologies. In 2016, manufacturing of the infant warmer was transferred to Phoenix Medical Systems in India.

