Every year, the Tuesday after Black Friday and Cyber Monday is dedicated to giving back to non-profits and other charitable organizations in our communities. In Canada and the United States, thousands of organizations participate in this growing initiative. This year, we’re proud to announce that we’ve just added our name to the list and have joined the movement!

We already did things a bit differently on Black Friday with #GiveBackFriday. We offered our thanks to some of our supporters through a small gift and encouraged them to pay it forward. We were so happy to see photos of our supporters paying it forward to their friends  and making a small gesture that can really impact someone’s day.

On December 1st, we can grow our impact together through Cambio Market. Like every day of the year, all our products are exclusively sourced through our ethical community partners and every purchase you make in Cambio Market gives back to a social cause (this doesn’t change!). For Giving Tuesday, however, we’re doing something extra: we’re donating 10% of all our sales to a charity.

Which charity will we give to?

That’s where we need your help – your purchase, your impact! Tell us about your favourite Canadian charitable organization by commenting on this Facebook post and tell us why you support them. We will choose a Canadian charity among all your suggestions and announce it onTuesday! Not sure which organization to choose? Feel free to go through the list of Giving Tuesday partners.

Of course, we shouldn’t limit our donations to charities to a single day of the year. Giving Tuesday is a big help for non-profits to get funds before the holiday season, where many will benefit from those donations. Seeing the year 2015 coming to an end and feeling thankful for all the positive things in my life, Giving Tuesday reminds me to personally contribute again. So far this year, I’ve donated to Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF),UnicefWWF and The Sentinel Project and I’m really looking forward to hear about your favourite organizations.
