Greyston (Yonkers, NY)

Since 1982, Greyston, the country’s leading social enterprise, has provided individuals in Southwest Yonkers, NY with employment, skills and resources to lift them out of poverty. Greyston’s unique Open Hiring™ Model at the world famous Greyston Bakery embraces an individual’s potential by providing employment opportunities regardless of background or work history while offering the support necessary to thrive in the workplace and in the community. Our spiritually-rooted philosophy fuels community development and a commitment to human growth and potential.

Greyston is a force for personal transformation and community economic renewal. We operate a profitable business, baking high quality products with a commitment to customer satisfaction. Grounded in a philosophy that we call PathMaking, we create jobs and provide integrated programs for individuals and their families to move forward on their path to self-sufficiency.
