Hanmaeum F&C

Hanmaeum F&C

Corporation Hanmaeum F&C is a company which is specialized in funeral service, with the connection with companies and organizations, assist funeral directors, funeral rites, and funeral guides to the right places. Also, it provides funeral flowers and funeral materials to offer total service to the house of mourning. The company has its special service called “visiting service free funeral consulting” by many funeral directors around the whole country and “healing care” which is to miss the deceased in a wonderful way directed by a professional director. There is Vvip funeral service team to serve the people who devoted them to a company or organization for a long time.


“Create Customer Value! Create Social Value!” is the slogan of the company. There are two categories of main values of the company: customer value and social value. The customer values are integrity, customer surprise, co-prosperity, and ethical consumption. The social values are good funeral, personality, people, and social. These values well fit the purpose of social enterprise. However, fitness is not only presented through the vision but also through the management philosophy. The management philosophy is comprised of four categories: ethics of workers, attitudes toward the customers, relationships between allies, and role in society. These philosophical values clear address the company as a powerful social enterprise.


The company’s idea of social enterprise is to generate trustful service to the neighborhood and lead the whole society to become a warmer place. The determination of the company is that “As hopeful and caring ethical consumption promotes the society to a better world, workers of the company will try the best to offer sincere funeral service and cheap price to develop into a social enterprise that drives the new funeral system.


Minjae Moon