How ethical businesses bring communities together – case studies

From volunteer-run newspapers to community tourism projects, we look at a range of social enterprises that are bringing communities together

As organisations with ethical and often co-operative values at the core of their business, social enterprises have a unique opportunity when it comes to reaching local communities.

Whether that’s by involving communities in ethical initiatives or consulting service users in their decision-making, social businesses are increasingly thinking of innovative ways of bringing people together. So can social enterprises encourage community cohesion? We asked a selection of social enterprises to share their stories:

Sam Kinch, Hastings Independent Press

The Hastings Independent is a volunteer-run newspaper that aims to bring the local community together. Sam Kinch says “Hastings has various economic and social challenges, and it’s become common among locals, and even the local press, to talk the town down and think negatively about it.” The newspaper aims to work towards the communities’ regeneration by reporting on issues for local people, which Kinch believes will help create community cohesion. “Being a social enterprise helps us engage with the local community, because they trust us to work for them – not to be driven by generating profits for shareholders.”

Tom Sweetman, Stickyboard Ltd

“Several years ago we noticed a growing disconnection between people and their local communities. Our goal was to change this by creating a single space where people could discover what was going on around them and connect with those nearby – a 21st Century Village Noticeboard,” says Sweetman. Using the noticeboard you can check out events near you, read the news or volunteer with local groups. “We support this by providing affordable web development to local organisations from small charities to councils and housing associations. At least fifty per cent of our profits are then reinvested back into the noticeboard for all to benefit.”

David Quick, Village Ways Partnership

Village Ways Partnership works in partnership with remote rural communities in India, Nepal and Ethiopia to create village tourism enterprises – typically, small guesthouses. David Quick considers this enterprise a sustainable alternative to aid. “The communities own and manage these, so committees serve a key role in managing their community assets, and also ensuring income is distributed fairly … We have found vast community benefits, in particular for education and health. We wish to not just provide aid but to empower communities, giving them motivation to work together and bring benefits to all.”

Karen McGregor, Beyond The Finish Line

Beyond the finish line is a project to regenerate Glasgow’s local areas and high streets by young people and by the momentum of the Commonwealth Games. “The spaces will be used in a variety of ways, from an up-cycling workshop space and shop, where vulnerable individuals can learn new skills; hubs for urban food projects and sustainability education, to sensory immersion rooms designed to engage with those without access to the arts,” says Karen McGregor. Setting these initiatives up as social enterprises means that they are looking for long-term local benefits rather than short-term profit. “Communities can continue to benefit from sustainable enterprises which enable them to build confidence and gain skills for the future,” says McGregor.

Johanna Vallistu, SÕPS

SÕPS is a social enterprise which creates flexible working conditions for stay-at-home parents. “Our products are made by a community of stay-at-home parents all over Estonia,” says Vallistu. “Although we are far from each other geographically, we can communicate through our Facebook group and discuss also other things than our lovely kids. In future we plan to proceed with our actions on a wider societal level, drawing attention to the fact that in the conditions of scarce workforce resources it is important for companies to create flexible working conditions for stay-at-home parents. But first, we intend to bring together the community of these parents (who, to be honest, are often quite alone) and then make our voice heard.”

Becky Sheraidah, Arthouse Meath

Arthouse Meath produces and sells art created by adults living with severe epilepsy, learning and physical difficulties. Becky Sheraidah, founder and chief executive, believes their enterprise helps to promote community inclusion and challenge prejudice. “Seeing work sold to the local community in the high street shop, and selling successfully online includes every artist’s contribution. Social enterprises are a wonderful platform that can help encourage better integration and change perceptions.”

Angela Lewis, Bootstrap Artisans

Bootstrap Artisans is a creative co-op who support local artists to become independent. “We working together to support and grow our internal and external community” says Lewis. “As a social enterprise, benefits to members and profits are equally important and we are bridging the divide between community and commercial.” Bootstrap Artisans provides studio spaces, galleries, teaching areas, cafe and bar as well as a supportive space for anyone in the area that wants to come along and try something new.

Sian Hailes, Cre8

Cre8 provides a vehicle for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness to learn new skills and gain work experience. Cre8 works with a range of age groups to produce high quality glass and slate etching. “We also focus on providing opportunities to the most marginalised people in our community, to ensure that these people are given the tools and support they need, to take positive steps in their life.”
