Social Traders (Australia)

Social Traders’ mission is to nurture, develop and grow the social enterprise sector in Australia. Our work revolves around raising awareness of social enterprise, building enterprise capability, and opening markets for social enterprises products and services.

Our work falls into the following key areas:

Increasing awareness and understanding of social enterprise
Social Traders staff regularly speak at conferences and events around Australia and overseas. We co-hosted the 2009 Social Enterprise World Forum and established the inaugural Social Enterprise Awards in 2013. We continuously update and share our library of practical case studies andresearch materials.
Building the investment-readiness of social enterprises
With workshops and coaching services programs like The Crunch, and resources like The Builder, we work with social enterprise operators to ensure their enterprises are viable and investment-ready. We also directly invest in social enterprises to enable them to get off the ground.
Growing the market for social enterprise products and services
Social enterprise thrives on customers. Our work in social procurement leverages the millions of procurement dollars spent by government and business to grow the market for B2B social enterprises. At the consumer level, we develop resources such as The Finder and marketing campaigns such as the Good Gift Christmas Campaign to enable consumers to buy from social enterprises.

