SpaceSEON is a small village community in Chungju. At this place, distinct people who want harmonious lives with nature are living away from cities. The major difference of the place is that it develops eco-friendly products like rain storage equipment or toilet, providing eco-friendly lives to society which is moving away from nature. In 2011, the village was founded upon the purpose to live with nature and named it SpaceSEON: a place where people and nature are coexisting.


To reduce the damage to the motherly earth, SpaceSEON works to come up with clever ideas. The specialized toilet and rain storage product was invented to decrease water usage and contamination. Furthermore, visitors can experience the renewable energy and animals at the company’s farm. Also, it generates environmental-friendly soaps and many other products to capture the beautifulness of the nature.



Life at SpaceSEON is to love the sky, nature, and humanity. To achieve the goal, people at this place start their day by meditation and place fresh foods from the farm. The people also listen well to members of the society to show respect to each other. The place loves animal friends that have many unfortunate animals. There are animals that were suffering from various reasons like an abandoned dog.


The place is always open to the people who want to join the movement. They could live in SpaceSEON for a fixed time sharing their experiences and talents. It is open to anyone, but members should follow a few rules such as not smoking and drinking and cooperation on farm works.


Minjae Moon