Village Reach (USA)

VillageReach was formed in 2000 as a nonprofit corporation, and Blaise, together with Craig Nakagawa, Lionel Pierre, and Didier Lavril, launched VillageReach to address the challenge of healthcare delivery.

Since its inception, VillageReach has been led by a team of mission-oriented global health, technology, and business professionals.  With the support of a dynamic group of donors, partners, board members, advisors, and volunteers, VillageReach has continued to pursue Blaise’s vision of quality healthcare delivered across the last mile to reach those who need it most.

Together with our partners, VillageReach combines diverse expertise across health, technology and business to develop new solutions to long-standing last mile challenges, proving that sustainable innovation can improve access to quality healthcare, even in the most challenging environments. In everything we do, we employ rigorous monitoring and evaluation to inform how best to scale and sustain the most promising innovations.

